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Have you noticed the shelves in stores lately? Due to the rapid spread of the #Coronavirus (#COVID19) , things like toilet paper, and hand sanitizer are the top two things consumers are purchasing, and stores are selling out of. Though we wish we could provide you tips on how to make your own toilet paper, today's DIY project includes making your own hand sanitizer. All it takes is three ingredients!


Things Needed

  1. 1/3 cup of Vegetable Glycerin : this is for moisture so the alcohol won't dry your hands out

  2. 1 cup of Isopropyl Alcohol (60% or higher)

  3. 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil, or you can use lemon extract

how to make hand sanitizer


  • Pour all ingredients into a bowl

  • Mix with a spoon until it blends well

  • Pour the ingredients into an empty bottle for easy use, and label it “hand sanitizer.” (Having a funnel helps making pouring easier into the bottles)

Check out the video below for a step by step instruction video

Please note, if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, according to the CDC


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The Spiritlifters Cleaning Company LLC specializes in both residential, and commercial cleaning. Our cleaning services are affordable and will keep your home or business consistently clean. We can create a cleaning program that will meet your needs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

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2376-A Highway 94 South Outer Rd. 
St. Charles, Missouri 63303

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